10 Best "You Don't Know Who You're Messing With" Horror Movie Scenes

3. The Prison Scene - Malignant

Malignant Jail
Warner Bros.

Just as the audience had no earthly idea about the plot twist awaiting them in Malignant's barmy third act, the poor souls trapped inside a prison cell with protagonist Madison (Annabelle Wallis) could've never anticipated what she brought into the police station with her.

On appearances alone, the relatively dainty, slender Madison doesn't seem particularly tough or fierce, and so is surely an easy target when thrown in lockup on suspicion of murder.

Two of the "ladies of the night" in lockup with Madison start attacking her, unaware that Madison has the residual remnants of her parasitic twin brother, Gabriel, attached to the back of her skull.

Oh, and Gabriel happens to be a serial killer.

The assault triggers his emergence, hijacking Madison's body and slaughtering the dozen or so women in the cell: ripping out chunks of neck, breaking arms, impaling, gouging out eyeballs, stomping on heads, and so on.

It's awesome, and even accepting Gabriel's status as the movie's villain, tremendously satisfying.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.