10 Best "You Don't Know Who You're Messing With" Horror Movie Scenes

2. Erin Fights Back - You're Next

Malignant Jail

You're Next is entirely concerned with subverting expectations, because even if you pegged early on that Erin (Sharni Vinson) was the probable Final Girl, you likely didn't expect her to be quite this prepared to throw down.

When a family reunion is suddenly disrupted by a brutal home invasion, Erin initially doesn't appear to have any special characteristics which might single her out as a survivor.

That is, until the major turning point half-way through the movie, when one of the mask-wearing assailants smashes through a window and attacks Erin.

Just as it seems like it might be curtains for her, she suddenly fights back with a trained efficiency, brutally beating her attacker to death.

Erin continues to fight back aggressively against the other assailants, even setting traps to catch them off-guard, before it's revealed that she grew up on a survivalist compound where her father taught her combat and survival skills.

Literally every attacker Erin encounters throughout the movie completely underestimates her, and the outcome isn't good for any of them. As a smart inversion of the scrappy, ill-equipped Final Girl who scarcely survives by the skin of her teeth, this was fantastic.

She's far more skilled and badass than anyone else in the whole film.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.