10 Best Action Movie Scenes Of 2018 (So Far)

10. The Volcano Erupts - Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom T Rex

The fifth Jurassic Park may not be a particularly good movie, but audiences certainly got plenty of bang for their buck during the first act's volcanic eruption sequence on Isla Nublar.

Stand-out moments include a paralysed Owen (Chris Pratt) desperately attempting to pull himself away from approaching lava, the iconic T-Rex showing up to "save" Owen from another dinosaur while the volcano spews molten rock all over the place, and Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) and Franklin (Justice Smith) taking a tumble into the ocean inside a Gyrosphere.

The Gyrosphere sequence is especially well-executed, shot as a single take by director J.A. Bayona, all while various dinosaurs can be seen drowning in the water around Claire and Franklin. Grim.

The heroes just barely manage to sneak on-board a boat in order to escape, but before the scene ends, audiences are left with one genuinely upsetting final glimpse of a Brachiosaurus being consumed by the volcano.

Sure, you still have to put up with some offputtingly dumb moments in the sequence - Owen outrunning the volcano's pyroclastic flow and Franklin's ear-splitting screaming - but it's easily the best-crafted and most entertaining set-piece in the entire movie regardless.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.