10 Best Alien Abduction Horror Movies

6. Predators

Fried Barry

After the disastrous reception of Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem, there was no question the once-unstoppable IPs had hit their lowest point. (Suddenly, Predator 2 didn't seem so bad.)

Fortunately, Nimrod Antal's Predators successfully reinvigorated the tired brand. Rather than having the mandibled extra-terrestrial terrorising Earth yet again, the 2010 sequel centred around a group of humans who've been abducted and dropped onto the Predators' homeworld. 

Even if this wasn't a Predator instalment, it's still a creative spin on the alien abduction trope, having the victims transported to another planet to be hunted for sport.

Predators should also be commended for going against conventions with the main characters. Rather than following a noble band of heroes, the human ensemble is composed of mercenaries, hitmen, assassins, and serial killers. In any other movie, this lot would be the villains. However, this horrible bunch are the "good guys" by default, since they're the only human avatars we've got. 

However, their ulterior motives creates a massive conflict, not just for the group, but for the audience, since we're unsure who to root for, especially when their alien abductors act more honourable than the deranged abductees.

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