10 Best Alien Abduction Horror Movies

5. Fried Barry

Fried Barry

The South African horror opens with a drug addict called Barry enjoying a night on the town before being sucked into a flying saucer. Rather than giving Barry a standard probing before sending him on his merry way, the alien takes over his body. Disguised as Barry, he then heads to Cape Town, hoping to experience life as a human being.

On the surface, Fried Barry is as bare bones as they come. There's no social commentary or emotional drama. Heck, there's barely a script. 

And yet, the underrated black comedy is relentlessly entertaining. Every frame is etched in manic energy, either with skewed camera angles, extreme close-ups, or distorted music, which enhances the psychedelic aspect. Gary Green nails the titular role, convincingly portraying a balls-tripping alien. Due to Green's over-expressive face, he easily conveys a wide range of emotions without speaking.

Fried Barry executes the humour so well, it's easy to forget this is a horror, making the violence and gross-out moments more shocking (especially the birth sequence).

Cohesion mightn't be Fried Barry's strong suit, but the movie makes up for it by delivering a refreshing spin on the alien abduction concept.

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