10 Best Andy Serkis Performances

8. King Kong - King Kong

Planet Of The Apes Andy Serkis
Universal Pictures

Andy Serkis took on two roles in the Peter Jackson led remake of this classic monster movie. The ship's chef Lumpy and the titular beast itself. Whilst Lumpy was a fun character and it was great to see Serkis in live-action, credit really must go to how excellent his work was for playing Kong.

Taking the mantle of the beast was likely not a credit the actor would have expected in his youth. This film acted as the beginning of his motion-capture work on animal characters, which from this point on would end up defining his career. Whilst he had worked mo-cap before with Gollum this was the first time that he took on something with no resemblance of humanity.

The performance is so good that you would never even realise it was there. But ultimately having a physical reference made this character far more real and believable than what pure CGI would have been able to achieve. Serkis' ability to completely research and capture the movement and mannerisms of the monstrous gorilla is astonishing and thankfully it was something he would continue to explore in his career.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!