10 Best Animated Horror Movies

2. Perfect Blue

Fears Of The Dark

Less poignant and ambitious than Millennium Actress, less vibrant and frantic than the later Paprika, Perfect Blue is Satoshi Kon’s most troubling and disturbing piece of masterful animation.

A psychological horror masterpiece about stolen identity, thwarted ambition, and mental illness, this deeply creepy horror was later the basis of Aronofsky’s Black Swan after the filmmaker bought the rights to remake the movie solely so he could recreate an singular striking image for his earlier effort Requiem for a Dream.

It's that sort of movie.

The muddled and dream-like horror story is a (theoretically) simple tale of a former singer who tries to branch out into acting, only to be pursued by a string of gruesome deaths. But it's filled with unforgettable imagery, some explained by the plot and some left open to the viewer's interpretation.

One thing that can't be argued, however, is that few viewers will have an easy time shaking off this grisly, hypnotic masterpiece.

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