10 Best Avengers Cosplay Characters Ever

1. Trust Falls And Team Building Exercises

Of course, this isn't about the individual members - the Avengers are supposed to be a team, a group greater than the sum of their parts. Which makes sense - if Black Widow and Hawkeye couldn't contribute things that Iron Man and Hulk couldn't, there'd be no real place for them in the team. You see that in the battle in New York in the first Avengers film, when Hawkeye uses his high vantage point, incredible eyesight and strategic skills to direct the inexperienced Iron Man in what to do and where to do it.
We're not sure which Avenger is in the front of the shot pointing upwards and to their left, or why Hawkeye isn't carrying a bow and quiver. The rest are spot on - especially Captain America, still rocking that massive 'A' despite overwhelming online criticism.
Only Black Widow here seems to know that this is a hero shot. Iron Man, Thor and Captain America all look fantastic... but unprepared, as though they think they're off camera... Stark, in particular, is looking down at Romanoff as if he's wondering whether she's dropped something, while Loki looks disinterested, as if he can see the Cabal meeting without him in the smoking area and is wondering if they're slagging him off.
The best of the group hero shots here - there's Spider-Man looking like he's tacked himself in at the front (much as he probably will in next year's Captain American movie), Iron Man has the traditional repulsor hand gesture up on the other side, a cracking Star Lord in the middle is slouching insouciantly, and Captain America can be seen hanging with the Winter soldier on the top right. For proper old school Avengers geeks, you can just see the original Black Knight at the top of the stairs, and there's an entertainingly effeminate looking Thor just in front of them with a to DIE for wig on, with Hawkeye representing, bow in hand, on the other side of that, and Quicksilver in the silver and blue behind Quill. Then it gets weirder, because there's some villains in the picture... Would-be Captain America nemesis Crossbones is lurking at the top of the stairs, we're pretty sure that's Loki behind Stark, and behind him is Kraven The Hunter, for some unearthly reason. Then there's a surprising appearance from the Mandarin behind Spider-Man, and... hang on, is that Deadpool wearing a bear suit?! And we have to confess that we have no idea at all who the fella in the white coat is. Banner? Curt Connors? Answers in the comments, please, and 500 Internet Points to the best. That's the strangest Avengers roster of all time... but the whole thing's saved by the guy busting out the Falcon's hero pose at the front of the pic, his bloody amazing wings spread for action, slight gut cheerfully hanging over his bog standard blue jeans as if to offset them, and the biggest and cheesiest grin on his mug. This guy knows what's up, and where his towel is.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.