10 Best Avengers Cosplay Characters Ever

3. Tony Stark's Bespoke State-Of-The-Art Tailored Suits

A narcissist with a high-tech jet fighter in his briefcase, Iron Man - aka Tony Stark - is the most problematic character in the films to date. A former arms dealer, Stark isn't a natural hero - true, he's heroic in many respects, but he doesn't want to be, doesn't like it. The Chitauri invasion of New York gives him nightmares and PTSD, but it's water off a duck's back for the other Avengers. He's abrasive, reactionary and more than a little unstable: he's got issues with booze and women, and a tendency towards impulsive, unilateral action which directly lead to Ultron destroying the Sokovian capital city of Novi Grad. But none of that matters, because it's Robert Downey giving it all of the irreverent panache that made him one of the most beloved movie stars in the world, and he's wearing the coolest superhero costume in the world - a self-made, constantly updated flying red and gold suit of armour.
Iron Man 2 featured the appearance of War Machine, piloted by his best friend Jim Rhodes, played by a slumming-it Don Cheadle. War Machine is basically the Iron Man armour with a few less bells and whistles and a few more MASSIVE GUNS, because the military like MASSIVE GUNS.
Really though, in 2015 Iron Man is all about Tony Stark, and Downey's portrayal of the character. It's the reason why Iron Man has leaped from the top of the second tier of Marvel characters to the top of the first tier (prior to 2008, Iron Man was always the Eddie Guerrero of superheroes). As you can see from the guy above, Tony Stark is the superhero here - he's spent longer on his Downey-identical beard than he has his costume, which appears to be from Iron Man's 'disco' era.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.