10 Best Batmobiles Of All Time

1. Tim Burton's Batmobile

Batman White Knight Burton Batmobile
Warner Bros.

Never has the Batmobile looked more majestic than it did in Tim Burton's Batman films. Designed by the late, great Anton Furst, this version of the vehicle mirrored Burton's Art Deco vision of Gotham City. It possessed an incredibly long sleek body with edgier wing-shaped tailfins on one end, and eery yellow headlights on the other.

Even the moment where it first hits screens is a stroke of genius. Michael Keaton's Dark Knight tells Vicki Vale to get in his car, to which she remarks "which one?", only for us to get a closeup of the beautiful vehicle in all its grandeur. It was a moment that stuck with us and it set the tone for the Batmobile's usage throughout Burton's two films. Unlike other entries on this list, this Batmobile didn't rampage through anything - it glided through grim forests with an undefinable elegance.

But the automobile was every bit as dangerous as it was stylish, as it housed machine guns in its fenders, grenades in its wheels and even had a Bat-disc launcher mounted to its side.

This Batmobile was introduced into various comic books in the years that followed, and its long, sleek design inspired countless subsequent variations. It goes without saying that it redefined the vehicle's legacy, and it has since become the yardstick for which all Batmobiles are measured.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.