10 Best Batmobiles Of All Time

2. 1966 TV Series Batmobile

Batman White Knight Burton Batmobile
Warner Bros.

After The Caped Crusader utilised Bruce Wayne's own car in the original forties Batman serials, the Batmobile would finally make its live-action debut on our screens two decades later in the classic 1966 TV series. The vehicle itself was a modified Lincoln Futura concept car and was renowned for its large tailfins and exaggerated hooded headlights. But thanks to legendary designer George Barris, this became the definitive look for the Batmobile - a title it would hold onto for decades.

With its red siren on top and Bat-phone inside, it was the perfect ride for duly-deputised agents of the law Batman and Robin. Moreover, it was incredibly advanced for its era, jam-packed with a number of neat gadgets as the three large pipes on its boot could emit a powerful smoke-display to deter any potential thieves, while the hood housed the trusty Bat-Beam - and let's not forget the lever inside that initiated the emergency Bat-turn.

As far as Batmobiles go, this is one that undoubtedly stands the test of time. Despite its vintage design, the black and red paint job gives it a timeless quality that ensures it would still suit any modern day Caped Crusaders. Furthermore, as the first ever live-action Batmobile, it's pretty damn perfect.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.