10 Best Batmobiles Of All Time

6. The Dark Knight Returns Batmobile

Batman White Knight Burton Batmobile

Set in a near-dystopian Gotham City, Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns may just be the greatest Batman tale ever told. The story centres around an older, retired Bruce Wayne who returns to crime-fighting after The Mutants bring the dying city to its knees. But the veteran Caped Crusader doesn't come to the fight alone; outgunned and outmatched, he decides to bring in some heavy artillery. As a result, we are introduced to the most intimidating Batmobile of all time.

The vehicle was nothing short of enormous and dwarfed everything around it. It sported large canons on the front and, in the place of average tyres was the continuous track system (typically seen in army tanks) that allowed it to overrun anything in its path, with ease. A major departure from the traditional Batmobile design, this one's intimidating appearance complemented the dystopian-like style of this Gotham City and was undoubtedly an incredible sight to behold.

It eventually came to life on the screen in an animated move adaptation and somewhat inspired the Batmobiles used in live-action films Batman Begins and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.