10 Best Batmobiles Of All Time

5. The Tumbler

Batman White Knight Burton Batmobile
Warner Bros.

After Joel Schumacher took it upon himself to inexplicably turn the Batmobile into a neon-lit missile (because that was totally inconspicuous), Christopher Nolan gave us something entirely different when he rebooted the franchise with Batman Begins. The Tumbler was a large, tank-like automobile that had absolutely no problem running over anything that got in its way.

With its sharp, segmented appearance and its gigantic tires, this was a departure from the sleek, lengthy Batmobiles we had been used to seeing on screen throughout the previous decade. However, it was a welcome change that clearly took inspiration from Miller's The Dark Knight Return, and much like that tank, the Tumbler had an arsenal to die for. With a built-in weapons system, the vehicle could fire missiles and drop explosives, making it incredibly hard to tail. In addition, it was also incredibly durable and could crash through walls without any bother.

Perhaps its most impressive quality was its ability to boost into an unassisted jump, allowing it to fly quite some distance across rooftops when necessary - an attribute that sets it apart from a lot of the other Batmobiles we have seen.

It may have left a lot of destruction in its wake, but The Tumbler was still a hell of a lot more subtle than any of the Schumacher Batmobiles, and it introduced the iconic ride to a whole new generation.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.