10 Best British Films Of The Last Decade

3. I, Daniel Blake

I Daniel Blake Hayley Squires
eOne Films

Ken Loach's best film in years rightly won him the Cannes Film Festival's Palme d'Or last year, an emotionally devastating, damning indictment of Britain's unjust benefits system, and how one man (Dave Johns) finds himself struggling to claim the Employment and Support Allowance he desperately requires.

Loach's films aren't known for their subtlety and this is certainly no different, but given the urgency of the movie's very real and current social issues, the sledgehammer approach is very much acceptable, cementing the title character's plight with overwhelming power.

Johns gives a monumental, Oscar-worthy performance in the central role, and Hayley Squires is every bit as brilliant as a struggling single mother who Daniel befriends.

As exceptional a slice-of-life film as Loach has ever made, I, Daniel Blake begs not to be forgotten.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.