10 Best British Gangster Movies Ever

4. Mona Lisa (1986)

Mona Lisa Bob Hoskins
Island Pictures

Trust writer-director Neil Jordan (The Crying Game) to bring an unconventional flavour to the genre with Mona Lisa, which is more a film about a gangster than a gangster film per se, but every bit as thrilling as any other movie on this list.

Bob Hoskins gives the performance of his career - which scored him an Oscar nomination - as low-level criminal grunt George, who finds himself becoming increasingly close to the high-class prostitute (Cathy Tyson) he's charged with protecting.

Sharply eschewing cliches with a number of devilish third-act reveals, Mona Lisa dares to make far more of its protagonist than just another gangster anti-hero, with Hoskins' perfectly-pitched performance bringing uncommon depth to an over-familiar archetype.

Tyson and Michael Caine are also excellent, bolstering the core of one of the 80s' best character-driven crime thrillers.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.