10 Best (Canon) Star Wars Novels Every Fan Must Read
8. Heir To The Jedi
Luke Skywalker's relationship with the EU has always been tumultuous. Sometimes the old books got him right, but a lot of them were way too focused on making him an utterly perfect space messiah who never screwed up or made mistakes. No wonder people got so mad about his portrayal in The Last Jedi, even though the whole message of that film was "Luke Skywalker is awesome, and Luke just needs to remember how awesome he is!"
So when the first new EU book starring Luke Skywalker was announced, people were kinda skeptical. Fortunately, they got the great Kevin Hearne to handle it, so it should come as no shock that Heir to the Jedi is one of the best stories featuring Luke Skywalker ever.
Being the first Star Wars novel to actually be in first person from Luke's pov, the story centres around Luke being sent on a mission to recruit a renown hacker being detained for her skills by the struggling Empire. If he wishes to survive, Luke will have to brave bounty hunters, enemy battleships, imperial guards, and a rebel recruit with an ax to grind.