10 Best Characters From 2024 Horror Movies

7. Sam - A Quiet Place: Day One

Strange Darling

A Quiet Place: Day One confounded expectations in many ways, not least that it presented audiences with a protagonist who wasn't long for this world and simply wanted to make it through one more day.

Samira or Sam (Lupita Nyong'o) is a most unconventional horror movie hero given that she's terminally ill with no hope of long-term survival whatsoever. We know she's going to die soon from the outset, and nothing can possibly change that.

Sam's goal is decidedly more modest than staying alive, then - to trek across New York City, visit the club her late father used to play jazz at, and then get a slice of pizza, just as she did with her dad as a child.

Lupita Nyong'o is typically fantastic in the role, bringing enormous pathos to a character we know won't make it to the end credits alive, and yet finds a way to die on her own terms against overpowering odds. 


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.