10 Best Characters From 2024 Horror Movies

8. Longlegs - Longlegs

Strange Darling

Love it or hate it, there's basically no chance you'll ever forget Longlegs and its titular villain. 

From his puffy face and pale skin to the sheer skin-crawling eccentricity of Nicolas Cage's sublime performance, Longlegs is discomforting, even as occultist serial killers go, imbuing every frame of the film with intense unease even when he's not on screen.

That's the mark of a truly brilliant horror movie villain, that they leave an indelible stain on the film as a whole, ensuring their presence lingers in the minds of audiences long after the end credits have rolled. While the particulars of Longlegs' origins are never explained to the audience, as an apparent agent of Satan with a highly unique method for dispatching his victims involving cursed dolls, he's nothing if not a startlingly singular murderer.

Despite his surprisingly brief screen time throughout the film - and especially his early departure ahead of the finale - Longlegs is as nauseatingly unnerving as any horror villain we've seen this past year.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.