10 Best Chase Scenes In Horror Movies

4. Chainsaw Chase - American Psycho

Best Horror Movie Chases
Lions Gate

2000's American Psycho sees Christian Bale give a career-defining performance as the demented stockbroker, Patrick Bateman. When he's not busy detailing his musical tastes or obsessing over his business card, the crazed yuppie is splitting heads and hacking up strangers.

In his spare time, Batman also tortures sex workers in his apartment. Bringing back two, Christine and Elizabeth, Bateman promises to show them a good time. Christine gets a bad vibe from Bateman and prepares to leave while he's having his wicked way with Elizabeth.

When the young lady realises Bateman is killing Elizabeth, Christine runs away, frantically trying to find an exit. Every door she opens reveals mutilated bodies and dismembered body parts, further showcasing Bateman's boundless insanity.

Just when things look like they couldn't get worse, Christine hears an engine revving from behind her. Turning around, she sees a blood-soaked Bateman wielding a running chainsaw, wearing nothing but sneakers. The fact he put on shoes makes him far scarier, since it indicates he's willing to chase her for as long as possible.

As Christine descends down the complex's spiralling stairwell, it looks like she just might get away. Tragically, she's skewered to death after Bateman drops the live chainsaw on her from above.

Though there was no mistake Patrick Bateman was off his rocker, this scene truly demonstrates how deeply disturbed he is.

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