10 Best Chase Scenes In Horror Movies

5. The Hospital - Halloween II

Best Horror Movie Chases

It goes without saying that Halloween wrote the book on slow and atmospheric chases. And yet Halloween II has a stalking sequence that's arguably more masterfully shot than anything in John Carpenter's classic slasher.

Despite the fact Michael Myers poses a serious threat, it shouldn't be much of a challenge to get away from him, since he never figured out how to run.

But during Halloween II's climax, the mute killer has an edge over the protagonist, Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis). Since she's drugged and heavily injured, it's among the few times The Shape has no trouble keeping up with his victim.

The screeching and bombastic tune that plays throughout nicely contrasts with the slow-paced action. The sequence is accompanied by a drum beat, which Michael moves in sync with. As the chase progresses, the beat becomes louder and louder, indicating Michael is drawing in on his recently revealed blood relative.

Also, the camera rarely focuses on Michael's mask or body as a whole. Instead, it highlights the knife in his hand to convey his intent or his feet to emphasise his proximity to his target.

Halloween II may not be as iconic as the original, but this finale is one of the most riveting moments in the franchise. 

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