10 Best Chosen Ones In Movie History
1. John Connor – Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Chosen One Title: The Future Leader of Mankind
At the start of the film, John Conner starts out as an unlikable juvenile delinquent. But the moment that he gets to meet the Terminator and every crazy thing his mom ever told him is confirmed, you realize, his behaviour is just a reaction to being imprisoned in a life that made no sense to him. He’s like a kid who never got a handle of his parent's divorce.
Finally, he reveals his good side, showing a strong value in human life. It is as if the world got lifted off his shoulders. Ironically it's only upon the truth of being the future leader of mankind that he shows signs of being a regular kid, and exhibits a new zest for life. He finally found a purpose, everything that ever happened to him now have a clear direction and meaning.
That is why, while formulaic, the interaction between John Conner and the Terminator feels genuine. Because John Conner never had a chance to be a real kid, in the most unlikely situation he had finally found the moment. And it happened with the father figure he never had.
Terminator 2: Judgement Day is a great film with great characters all around. After so much hype of who John Conner is in the first movie, it is great that he did not disappoint, by being a great character first, the future leader of mankind second.