10 Best Comeback Lines In Cinema History

8. "How Do You Like Them Apples?" €“ Good Will Hunting (1997)

In Good Will Hunting (1997), Will struggles to find his place in life. Everyone around him is willing to tell him what he should and should not do. Of course, Will doesn€™t just accept their advice. Throughout the film, he offers the wittiest comebacks to anyone that tries to pin down his existence. Unlike the rest of us, Will is never hunting (I'm sorry) for better things to say. The most iconic example of this occurs in a Harvard Bar. This scene brilliantly highlights the split that Will faces in Boston. There€™s a strict separation between the people in the ivory tower and the hard-workers that build the city around it. Will and his construction-worker friends are trying to pick up some girls at the bar, but a Masters student begins to make fun of them. Will, however, strips the student of his ivory tower defences, mocking his shallow and expensive education. But the sweetest part of this comeback comes after they leave the bar; Will manages to get the girls number, which leads to him asking the student, €œhow do you like them apples?€ If you haven€™t seen this scene, it€™s not your fault, but you can check it out in the video below.

I received my Bachelor's Degree in English Literature and Film Studies with Highest Honours at Carleton University. I've got an obsession with fiction that I'd love to share with the world; I hope you'll join me while I discuss the greatest or latest films and television shows. You can follow me on Twitter @AdaptedInAction to keep up with my articles.