10 Best Coming Of Age Horror Movies

9. Carrie

Pennywise facegrab It 2017
United Artists

Carrie is an infamous title amongst horror fans and general movie buffs alike, because aside from its overt horror elements it draws on some aspects of high-school life that people can find scarily relatable.

Bullied and tormented by the mean girls and jocks at school, young Carrie White is too shy and mal-adjusted to even find her own group of misfits to blend into. Just as with so many troubled kids, her home life is less than ideal, with her hyper-religious mother making most days a living hell.

Most people who know of the film will know of the fateful scene in which Carrie snaps, responding to her fellow student’s cruelty with an act of such severity and power.

Carrie’s story speaks in some way to a lot of people who know all too well how horrible kids can be, her outburst being a hyperbole of the table-turning response a lot of victimised teens wish they could’ve enacted (not that I think we all wanted to blow up our schools, mind, I mean more a strong and convincing talking-to).

Equal parts thrilling and maddening, Carrie has earned its status amongst the horror classics for good reason.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.