10 Best Coming Of Age Horror Movies

8. Society (1989)

Pennywise facegrab It 2017
Wild Street Pictures

The chances are that if you haven’t seen this film in full then, A) your mental state is considerably better than those who have, and B) the only thing you know about it is that at one point a guy’s own head comes out of his ass. There is nothing I can say to make that fact not true.

In spite of it’s hilariously wacky monster sequences towards the end (and maybe partially because of them), this film does deserve its place in the horror hall of fame. It follows a teenage boy who suspects that his upper class family is hiding something from him and that they’re really up to no good, and all the ensuing chaos as he tries to uncover this.

It’s not a sombre, deadpan horror like a lot of the others on this list but instead takes a lighter approach to the trials of growing up and fitting in. Though things are taken to the extreme, it’s self-aware enough that we shouldn’t turn our noses up at it. It’s an enjoyable film with some really funny moments and some unforgettable body-horror, all mixed in with teenage confusion and comedy


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.