10 Best ‘Dead And I Know It’ Moments In Recent Horror Movies

7. Fiona - Wolf Manor

Sissy Alex Kutis
Lightbulb Film Distribution

Premiering at FrightFest 2022 and released out into the wild the following January, Wolf Manor - also known as Scream of the Wolf - is another cracking horror offering from director Dominic Brunt, following in the footsteps of the likes of Bait and Attack of the Adult Babies.

With a film crew shooting a vampire movie at an abandoned old country house, the group finds themselves in the presence of werewolves when they decide to stay an extra day to their initial filming agreement. Delivered with a delightful sense of humour and playfulness throughout so much of its runtime, Wolf Manor has plenty of fun as its characters believe some of the horrors they see are merely part of the in-universe production - such as real severed arms being mistaken for simple props.

That's not to say that Wolf Manor doesn't bring terror to the table when needed, with a fantastic practical werewolf design being a properly sinister sight. And by the movie's close, most of our characters have been butchered, with Oliver Laurence - the alcoholic, demanding, erratic lead of that vampire picture - and crew member Fiona going face-to-face with a werewolf.

After throwing an empty bottle of booze at the werewolf - to no effect, of course - Oliver brutally pushes Fiona into the arms of the creature. With just enough time to realise what fate awaits her, the face of Thaila Zucchi's Fiona lights up with fear, as she becomes the latest victim of a truly problematic shoot.

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