10 Best Death Scenes In Recent Horror Movies

1. Death By Bread Slicer - Fear Street Part One: 1994

fear street 1994

And finally, the recently-released Fear Street Part One: 1994 boasts one of the most creative and downright effed-up deaths in any horror movie from the last few years, when poor Kate (Julia Rehwald) has her head shoved through a bread slicer by the skull mask-wearing Shadyside killer.

Director Leigh Janiak refreshingly refuses to cut away, staying with Kate as she's pushed head-first into the slicer, causing chunks of her bloodied scalp to spurt out as she's fatally sliced to shreds.

Between the impressive technical execution and the heartbreak of one of the series' most likeable characters being dispatched so suddenly, this is a death scene nobody's going to be forgetting any time soon.

Amusingly, Netflix even carried out their own investigation to see whether or not a bread slicer could indeed cut a human head apart:

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.