10 Best Death Scenes In Recent Horror Movies

5. Adam's Face Gets Clubbed To Pieces - Wrong Turn

fear street 1994
Saban Films

The recent Wrong Turn reboot may not have been a great movie, but it was certainly better than many expected, in large part thanks to its dedication to revolting, practically-executed death scenes.

The easy winner of the bunch is the horrifying demise of Adam (Dylan McTee), who after killing the mountain settler known as Elk Skull (Chris Hahn), is put on trial by the community for his act.

Their leader, Venable (Bill Sage), unsurprisingly find Adam guilty and sentences him to death, which is carried out a few moments later, in front of his friends no less.

As they helplessly look on, Venable uses a log to bludgeon Adam to death, director Mike P. Nelson lingering on one impact shot where Adam's face completely breaks apart, much to his friends' disgust.

Curiously, Nelson originally intended not to cut away from Adam's death at all and show the gradual destruction of his face, but after the MPAA slapped this cut of the movie with the dreaded NC-17 rating, he dialled it back a bit.

Even so, it's still one of the most traumatic death scenes in any recent horror film.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.