10 Best Death Scenes In Recent Horror Movies

3. Turned Into A Human Speaker - Sound Of Violence

fear street 1994
Gravitas Ventures

Cult slasher film Sound of Violence follows Alexis (Jasmin Savoy Brown), a traumatised young woman who, after recovering her lost hearing, discovers she possesses synesthetic abilities.

Alexis experiences aesthetic pleasure whenever she hears human suffering, and so embarks on a killing spree in an attempt to assemble her musical masterpiece.

The film features a number of memorable death scenes, such as a delightful sequence in which she uses a theremin to explode a man's head, but the highlight must surely be the creatively insane climax, where Alexis murders her best pal Marie (Lili Simmons).

In the film's final scene, Alexis performs impromptu surgery on Marie, turning her into a human speaker by surgically grafting woofers onto her body.

Alexis then uses Marie's body to broadcast her "masterpiece," and the effects of the bass presumably cause massive haemorrhaging to Marie's internal organs, as she quickly collapses to the floor and dies.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.