10 Best Deaths In Western Movies

6. Frank Torrey - Shane

Played by the suitably imposing Jack Palance, evil gunman Jack Wilson is a classic western villain. Gleefully murderous, Wilson goes out of his way to insult, torment and challenge ex-Confederate Frank Torrey (Elisha Cook Jr.). Frequently chided for being on the losing end of the Civil War, the hot-tempered Torrey snaps at Wilson's mockery.

Despite being woefully outmatched, Torrey furiously goes to draw his pistol. With hands like Barry Allen, Wilson gets the jump on him, his pistol aimed and ready before Torrey knows what to think.

There's a second's pause before Wilson sends Torrey to the grave. In that moment of delay, you can almost see Torrey's life flashing before his eyes. Goaded into his own death, Torrey's demise shows us both the cruelty and the skill of Jack Wilson.

After Torrey's lifeless body tumbles into the gross muck of the muddy street, a cowhand throws a little cherry on top of the horrible murder cake with the comment: "One less sodbuster."

It's a harsh world and one in dire need of a hero. Good thing that Shane guy turned up when he did...


John Cunningham hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.