10 Best Deaths In Western Movies

5. John Q. McCabe - McCabe & Mrs Miller

The boozy, gambling, 'bordello' proprietor suffers a gruelling assassination in Robert Altman's Northwest classic. McCabe very foolishly turns down a corporate offer from the Harrison Shaughnessy mining company. In response, they decide he has to die. It's an extreme way to handle rejection and one that really wouldn't fly these days.

At dawn, a sinister cat-and-mouse game begins with McCabe being stalked all over the town. Whilst he gets the better of two assassins, McCabe sustains severe injuries before being gunned down by assassin no. three. Playing possum, the just barely alive McCabe pulls a fast one and takes his shooter out at point blank range.

For all the wits and strength he displayed, McCabe remains doomed with his third wound proving fatal. Due to a church fire in the town, no one is there to help and McCabe dies alone in the snow. A grand cheer is heard from the townsfolk (due to putting out the church fire) just as McCabe expires. His business partner, Constance Miller, is oblivious to the whole thing. She drifts off in an opium-induced state as her business falls apart around her. A fittingly miserable conclusion to the unscrupulous McCabe's antics.


John Cunningham hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.