10 Best Documentary Films On Netflix Right Now

5. Icarus

Fyre Netflix

Icarus opens with George Orwell's quote "During the times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

This Academy Award winning documentary highlights the importance of sincerity first and foremost, and fixates on a variety international doping scandals.

In June 2014, amateur cyclist, Bryan Fogel set out to challenge the current drug testing system, by entering the Haute Route race, taking performance enhancers himself. The goal being to see if avoiding detection was as easy as alleged, meaning that any athlete could pull it off.

Fogel enlists the help of Grigory Rodchenkov, the director of the Olympic Lab in Moscow. The two become friends and Grigory later informs Bryan of Russia's state-sponsored doping program and his involvement swapping samples to avoid detection.

What follows is wide spread media coverage, investigations and even threats on Rodchenkov's life. An insightul and staggering viewing, for sporting and non-sporting fans alike.

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Actor, Stage Combatant, Writer, Rugger Bugger and Wrestling Fan. Suggestions for articles and quizzes welcome! Follow me on Twitter @joshuaplummeruk