10 Best Fight Scenes In Comic Book Movies

6. Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Elevator Scene

Wolverine Vs X24
Marvel Studios

While a lot of this list deals with huge action sequences (as do the majority of comic book movies themselves), Captain America: The Winter Soldier was best when it went micro. Although the fight on the ship with Batroc is a good set piece, the fight in the elevator is indelibly linked with the Russo brothers’ first movie.

While Captain America has always had his super serum, his lack of flight or other obviously supernatural power has always seen him walk a line between the likes of Thor and Hawkeye. He’s both a superhero and a regular Joe.

This scene fully plays to Cap’s unique position, jamming him and a set of enemies (including the man who would become Crossbones) into a cramped elevator. As well as the scuffle with Batroc, the film features emotional fisticuffs between the two title characters, but this is where we see pure comic book action.

Normally quite cut and dry, we see a rare quotable line from Rogers as he asks “Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?”. From there, the claustrophobic action just gets more intense as Cap single handedly takes on his assailants.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)