10 Best Fight Scenes In Comic Book Movies

5. Logan - Logan Vs. X-24

Wolverine Vs X24

Wolverine fans had been waiting since the first flick in 2000 to see Bezerker Rage unleashed, but maybe they should’ve been careful what they wished for. Not because the scene wasn’t amazing, but because of its rather tragic end.

It begins with possibly the darkest action sequence of an X-Men movie ever, led by Logan himself and young killing machine X-23. Logan takes bullets for her as he rips throats open, not that she can’t handle herself alone. We see her leaping through the air to take henchmen out fearlessly before the X-24 is unleashed.

Also played by Hugh Jackman, X-24 is a clone of Logan but set constantly in Bezerker Rage mode. He never even speaks, save for grunts of anger. While a lot of the entries here are sleekly choreographed, this battle is raw, blood soaked and powerful. It’s so gritty and grisly that it only ends when both Logan and the X-24 are dead.

Following Logan’s death and Disney’s acquisition of Fox’s Marvel properties, the silver screen future of Wolverine is very much up in the air. Hopefully we’ll at least get to see X-23 ripping enemies to shreds in the future.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)