10 Best Fight Scenes In Comic Book Movies

2. Deadpool - On The Road

Wolverine Vs X24
20th Century Fox

Deadpool was always going to be amazing or terrible, with the slim chance it would be so terrible it was amazing. Thankfully for Ryan Reynolds and the movie going public, Deadpool was a smash hit success.

Breaking the fourth wall was always going to be a huge staple of this release, with possibly the greatest example being this shootout on the highway. The build up to the fight is one of the best comic book movie car chases (although The Winter Soldier and Civil War offer competition) before Deadpool slows things down to explain to his attackers and to the audience that he only has twelve bullets to go around.

He gets two headshots right out the gate, but then three bullets are wasted on a biker. Another headshot quickly boosts his morale before the action speeds up and he scores another hilarious kill, posing on the tarmac as the henchman’s clip runs dry.

The next bullet takes out a grenade before a trickshot between the legs scores another in the head. Irritated by this henchman though, he pumps two more rounds into him. This just sets up the crowning moment of this gunfight; a triple headshot with the final bullet.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)