10 Best Fight Scenes In Comic Book Movies

3. Captain America: Civil War - Cap & Winter Soldier Vs. Iron Man

Wolverine Vs X24
Marvel Studios

Moreso than anything else in Civil War (yes, more even than the battle at the airport) this is the moment that truly broke the Avengers apart.

After Tony learns that the Winter Soldier murdered his parents, all bets are off as he launches into a fierce attack. Steve’s loyalty to Bucky has never been in question, and with tensions between Cap & Iron Man frayed already, it soon turns into a two on one showdown.

What makes so many Marvel fight scenes great is the creativity, and how much they use each characters’ uniqueness to build the scene. This fight is no different, with Tony attempting to overpower Bucky’s metal arm as they go toe to toe.

We then see Iron Man struggling in a fight for the first real time as Steve lands blow after blow and FRIDAY tells him he can’t beat him hand to hand. Tony’s struggled against Stane, Whiplash and Killian in his solo outings, but you always knew he’d come out on top. Here, we’re left in the dark. Analysis of Steve’s fighting style lets him drive Cap back, but as the fight gets more desperate, the searing dialogue takes this bout to the next level.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)