10 Best Fight Scenes In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

2. Airport Throwdown - Captain America: Civil War

Captain America Civil War Cap Iron Man
Marvel Studios

Marvel Comics literally wrote the book on superheroes brawling one and other. While DC's heroes never squared-off in the good old days, it was a cliche that Marvel's would fight each other every time they met. So it was rather inevitable that the heroes would eventually come to blows in the movies, and it finally did in the awesome and epic Captain America: Civil War.

As we mentioned in a previous entry, Civil War the movie differs greatly from the comic, but it did a damn fine job of lifting the absurdly fun action from the page to the big screen. When we finally get Team Iron Man Vs. Team Captain America at the airport in Germany, it was a mad-cap brawl that did well to service each hero.

Not only was it the introduction of Tom Holland's Spider-Man, which couldn't have worked any better, but we finally saw Giant-Man, Hawkeye Vs. Black Widow, Captain America Vs. Black Panther, and ended with Vision accidentally clipping War Machine's wings and paralysing him. We even got Cap and Spidey bonding over their New York roots.

It was epic, funny, dramatic, and chock-full of references to the point that it felt like it was written by us. What more could you want from a superhero showdown?

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Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.