10 Best Fight Scenes In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

3. Avengers Vs. Loki - The Avengers

Captain America Civil War Cap Iron Man
Marvel Studios

2012's The Avengers is as important and iconic a movie as there will ever be. While it had a ton riding on its success, it over-delivered and set-up a further decade of Marvel movies.

The film fully embraced its comic roots by having the final third of the movie be a gigantic battle between The Avengers and Loki's army of Chitauri. You have Captain America directing traffic on the ground, while Thor channels lighting from the Empire State Building. It's an epic battle in which six heroes are battling thousands, ending with Iron Man showing he is truly selfless by risking his life to reroute a nuke through a wormhole and destroying the Chitauri.

The battle does a great job of using New York as the backdrop for the chaotic battle. And while you have Hulk leaping buildings and taking out giant ships in one punch, it also makes Captain America, Black Widow, and Hawkeye feel relevant and necessary. And that's the dichotomy that makes The Avengers work; having super-powered beings tackling giants, while courageous human heroes do the work on the ground, saving lives.

And who could forget that iconic scene of the six standing in a circle with the music swelling. It was a make or break movie for the MCU and boy did it make.

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Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.