10 Best Fight Scenes In The Matrix Franchise

1. Neo Begins To Believe - The Matrix

The Matrix Kung Fu
Warner Bros

Everything, (and I mean EVERYTHING) about this entire sequence is perfect. The pacing, the score, the choreography, the escalation, the dialogue, and even the resolution are on point. Audiences sat in cinemas, watched on DVDs, VHS or Blu-Rays for this exact moment, and the Wachowskis did more than deliver.

What makes the subway station fight so special is it's finally the moment Neo begins to accept and trust his instincts. He stepped up previously in his assault to save Morpheus, but it's this sequence that we see him conquer a fear (on behalf of all humans even) and face off against an Agent.

The bells and whistles of the fight make it what it is - a quick gunfight followed by angered, powerful punches and kicks that chip away concrete, cause internal bleeding and even worse, break Smith's shades. This is as much a character-building sequence for Smith as it is for Neo, and even though it's Neo we root for, you can't help but resonate with Smith to an extent.

All the way throughout The Matrix, Smith has been calling Neo by his plugged-in name, Mister Anderson. What better way to finally correct Smith, than for Smith get flattened by his own "inevitability". The sound and lights of the approaching train are taunted at Neo so hauntingly by Smith, it's all the more satisfying when he helplessly reaches out to snatch Neo in his final second, only to be caught Looney Toons style under the rails.

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The Matrix
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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!