10 Best Fight Scenes In The Matrix Franchise

2. Vampire Massacre In The Chateau - The Matrix Reloaded

The Matrix Kung Fu
Warner Bros.

Despite all the faults it might have, The Matrix Reloaded has some of the most memorable sequences in the franchise, and one of them in particular is the scene where Neo helps Trinity and Morpheus escape with The Keymaker, by fending off a pack of sword wielding vampires.

Or at least, it is strongly suggested that they are vampires...

The sequence is literally wall-to-wall fun, and despite having no real impact on the plot, it's one of the few scenes in the series where the Wachowskis are letting loose and having fun with their super-human hero.

Once bullets are proven ineffective against Neo, the Vampires grab whatever weapons they can off the walls and swing for dear life. The camerawork, choreography and score are a three-way match made in heaven as Neo blocks and bounces around the vampires with ease. Audiences are never disoriented by this fight - remaining entirely within the confines of the Chateau's stairwell.

The whole sequence doesn't need to go on for as long as it did, but I'm sure we're all glad of it's joyful content. And just seeing the disapproving sneer of the Merovingian at the end is enough to put this fight close to the top of the list. But other than that, the fight sequence is another great example of how far and capable Neo has come.

Especially as once Neo dispatches the last vampire, he is benched for some time as Morpheus, Trinity and Niobe have fun in the infamous freeway chase.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!