10 Best Fight Scenes In The Matrix Franchise

5. I Know Kung Fu - The Matrix

The Matrix Kung Fu
Warner Bros.

At this point in The Matrix, the film was still world-building and setting up the rules and stakes of how the simulations work. Neo had been freed, and now began his training - but instead of a Karate Kid or Rocky-style montage in which Neo carried buckets of water around the Nebuchadnezzar, audiences were treated to a unique approach in which the combat styles and knowledge were uploaded into his brain like installing apps on a Smartphone.

After learning every style of martial arts ever conceived, Neo is challenged to a sparring match with his mentor Morpheus, and one of the most famous fights between Master and Apprentice commences. Their match starts off as light as it can, but as Morpheus drives Neo push himself further, their fight becomes faster and more intense; bolstered only more by their observers. Normally cutaways from fights scenes can be distracting in films, but the context of the rest of the Nebuchadnezzar crew watching in awe only serves to detail just how impressive these two characters going toe-to-toe is.

Morpheus is a powerhouse in this scene; while it is Neo who is the audience' conduit, this scene is dominated by Morpheus' skill, control and wisdom; spouting memorable phrases and taunts that I'm sure plenty of boxing coaches have barked at their students.

"Stop trying to hit me, and hit me!"

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!