10 Best Fight Scenes In The Matrix Franchise
6. You Do Not Truly Know Someone Until You Fight Them - The Matrix Reloaded

By the end of the first film, there aren't many characters who could step up to Neo in a battle of wits, speed and skill, and it's safe to say that Seraph is an anomaly who does well to not only hold his own against Neo, but immediately establish himself as a badass ally audiences can root for.
The Wachowskis made a great decision introducing The Oracle's bodyguard the way they did. Not content to just simply imply his skill, or demonstrate it with a handful of nameless Agents, Seraph's intense sparring match with Neo inhabits similarities to the sparring match between Neo and Morpheus in the first film. The only difference is, at this point we didn't know if Seraph was friend or foe.
Maybe because up until this point in Reloaded, we've seen Neo flawless in his Kung Fu skills, but his fight with Seraph really throws Neo off-guard and for good reason. The fight is initiated by an unknown figure who even has the grace of apologising before laying hands on Neo.
And why did Seraph attack Neo? Just to test him. It's a great scene that is incongruous to the film's plot, but certainly doesn't get forgotten by fans.