10 Best Film Biopics About Politicians

1. Nixon

Anthony Hopkins Nixon
Warner Bros.

Richard Nixon finds his way onto this list a second time in Oliver Stone's scathing criticism of the only man in history to resign the American Presidency. While Frost/Nixon focuses on just a short period in the man's life, Nixon spans decades from his time as a boy to his tenure as President which ended in shame.

Anthony Hopkins may not look all that much like Richard Nixon, but he embodies the sleaze and entitlement of Tricky Dick in this Oscar nominated performance. Stone's epic is over three hours long and Hopkins dominates almost every frame in a towering performance that is filled with as much nuance as it is gravitas.

The rise and fall of one of the most controversial presidents in recent times can be a difficult job to portray, but Oliver Stone is always up to the task as he has a strong track record of holding his country to account and holding a mirror up to its own flaws and mistakes.

Nixon is a true saga of a complicated man who had a huge impact on the political sphere, and one of Stone's more underrated efforts.

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