10 Best Film Biopics About Politicians

5. Frost/Nixon

Anthony Hopkins Nixon
Universal Pictures

Just like Darkest Hour, Frost/Nixon chooses to cover a pivotal but small amount of time in its subject's life as it portrays the recently disgraced former president Richard Nixon as he agrees to do a no holds barred interview with British talk show personality David Frost.

What would later become one of the most infamous political interviews in history, Nixon would be questioned by Frost on many topics but most notoriously the Watergate scandal that put an end to his presidency and would define his legacy in office.

Frank Langella and Michael Sheen reprised their roles from the original stage play from which the film is adapted, and it is clear that these actors feel incredibly comfortable in their parts as a result. Both men have exceptional chemistry with each other as Frost soon realises that he is out of his depth with the more mercurial and tactile Nixon.

For a film focused on the build-up to and the actual interview itself, Frost/Nixon is surprisingly one of the most dynamic films on this list.


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