10 Best Films About Pandemics

1. Contagion (2011)

Contagion Film
Warner Bros. Pictures

Without a doubt the best pandemic movie made up to this point, and more poignant given the current state of the world.

Showcasing an amazing cast with Gwyneth Paltrow, Matt Damon, Marion Cotillard, Laurence Fishburne and a perfectly punchable Jude Law, Contagion shocks us with science. Throughout the film we are treated to methods and facts that are prevalent in medical circles to this day, from the r-nought to the methodology of study, even going so far as to show the way a virus bonds with the human cells for infection.

Contagion also shows the relatively unexpected ways in which a virus can be passed from person to person without shoving it in our faces, from the lingering shots of door knobs to the implications of being in close contact with someone suffering from the disease.

Contagion bears a shocking resemblance to the challenges the world faces at this very moment (albeit on a much larger scale) and through what we have now seen in reality, the film is more relevant and relatable than ever. If that's not enough of a reason to see this film, Jude Law's metamorphosis into a truly terrible excuse for a human being is an acting masterclass and worth the price in rental itself.

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