10 Best Films Of 2020 (So Far)

1. Da 5 Bloods

Da 5 Bloods

Over the past few years Netflix has been proving that it is a platform for giving filmmakers budgets and creative freedom to make movies that most studios would scoff at. The Irishman was a major example of that in 2019, and this year it's Spike Lee's Da 5 Bloods that benefits from the streamer's creator-first approach.

That's because this decades-spanning war movie, for better or worse, is a Spike Lee joint that's been entirely let off the loose. About a group of ageing Vietnam veterans returning to the country for the first time since the war to bury a fallen comrade (and grab some hidden gold in the process), Lee deftly mixes genres and styles across this hugely ambitious story.

It bites off a whole load, from the Civil Rights Movement's impact on Vietnam soldiers to PTSD to generational divides, and while it can get unwieldy at times, it's never anything less than biting and hugely entertaining.

The principal cast have an effortless chemistry - with a standout, Oscar-worthy performance from Delroy Lindo - and the fractured friendship of their characters remains electrifying throughout, even as things inevitably go to s**t and limbs start flying off.


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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3