10 Best Films Of 2020 (So Far)

7. The Personal History Of David Copperfield

The Personal History Of David Copperfield Dev Patel

The Personal History of David Copperfield is very easy to write off as one of those nice Sunday afternoon films for grandmas (not that there's anything wrong with those), but director Armando Iannucci imbues this period comedy drama with his usual wit to match the warmth of the material.

Essentially chronicling the life of one David Copperfield (played with fallible grace by the always excellent Dev Patel), Iannucci has amassed a cast of British greats, including Tilda Swinton, Peter Capaldi, Ben Wishaw, Hugh Laurie, Gwendoline Christie, Benedict Wong and Paul Whitehouse to bring this story to life.

Staying true to the original Charles Dickens novel, the director is able to still put a modern spin on the work, particularly through the inspired, somewhat fantastical narration.

It's a movie so full of heart, and exactly the elixir needed this year.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3