10 Best Final Speeches In Movie History

4. A Game Of Inches (Any Given Sunday)

Blade Runner Rutger Hauer
Warner Bros.

Any Given Sunday is Oliver Stone's 1999 sports movie about the Miami Sharks as they compete in the world of American Football.

As the world of cinema has come to expect from sports dramas, it also features what is quite possibly the rawest moment of Al Pacino's long career as he delivers a pre-game speech to the Sharks about the game of football, the game of life, and the victories or failures they may experience.

Pacino's character, coach Tony D'Amato, describes both football and life as a game of inches, in which we all must be prepared to fight and die for every small victory if we want to achieve anything great.

It's delivered in Pacino's trademark gruff style, but it carries with it a narrative that is universal: that we all must fight throughout our lives in order to reach our goals.

It's one of those rare cinematic moments that makes perfect sense within the movie's story, but also reaches out of the screen and gives its audience a good philosophical slap in the face.

Factor in the swelling and understated music that plays behind Pacino's emotional monologue, and you have all the ingredients for a bout of uncontrollable sobbing.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.