10 Best First Kills From Horror Movies

2. Chrissie Watkins - Jaws

Urban Legend movie
Universal Pictures

It's the moment that turned a generation of people into shark haters.

Good job, Steven Spielberg. Now they're endangered!

The opening to Big Steve's 1975 fishy frightfest features two teens doing classic teen stuff, i.e. attempting to skinny dip in the ocean. The guy bails out, because he's a total loser, but Chrissie Watkins decides to take the plunge alone.

Big mistake, Chrissie.

At first, her swim looks to be a pleasant one. That is, until something starts tugging at her leg from the under the waves. The panic begins to grow and grow as Chrissie looks for something to hang on to. All the while, the creature beneath gets more and more violent.

In the end, Chrissie is completely submerged, never to be seen again. We later found out that she had fallen victim to... an alien! Wait, that's the last entry. It was a shark.

The isolation of Chrissie's plight combined with stellar acting from Susan Backlinie serve to make this one of cinema's most carnally frightening scenes.

The switch from the young woman's noisy screams to utter silence when she is dragged under still summons the shivers even after all these years.

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Urban Legend
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.