10 Best Guilty Pleasure Movie Sequels

1. The Matrix Reloaded (2003)

Predator 2
Warner Bros.

Yes, there is a lot of mumbo jumbo in The Matrix Reloaded, mainly courtesy of the Architect character, but the action scenes, notably the car chase, are some of the best the genre has ever seen. Its downfall is that it is a highlight reel of great scenes, but as a whole doesn’t fully come together. However, those fantastic scenes make this one of the most watchable sequels of all time.

Unfortunately, the film has some of the most poorly aged CGI ever, which is a shame considering the first film’s visual effects are so revolutionary. Watched now and some scenes look like a computer game; but, what a great computer game!

It also suffered from its ‘To be continued’ ending followed by Revolutions' rather anti-climactic finale, making it more difficult to enjoy by itself. Nonetheless, few sci-fi action films pack a punch quite like Reloaded.

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