10 Best Harry Potter Villains

5. Bellatrix Lestrange

Played: Helena Bonham Carter Unlike both Grindelwald and Greyback, Bellatrix is a villain who was much improved by her transition off the page to the big screen, turning her from just another of Voldemort's followers to the standout one of the lot. This is partially due to, in contrast to many other characters, an expanded role in the action of the films. However, the character is also lifted immeasurably by Bonham Carter's cackling, crazed portrayal (a performance she has cultivated throughout her career). Bellatrix Lestrange (surely the winner of the award for Best Villain Name) is Voldemort's right-hand woman. Totally void of conscience, she is the most gleefully nasty character in the series, rejoicing in killing Harry's godfather (and her own cousin) Sirius and her various other crimes. While other villains have shreds of human decency - even Voldemort himself was once a lonely orphan just like Harry - Bellatrix is one-hundred percent irredeemable. Hang on, you say, she must have something good about her? To that we have only one reply: she killed Dobby. 'Nuff said.

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